Recent content by DominionCuentas

  1. DominionCuentas

    Controlling Time Drawdown

    Just for the record... The phenomenon known as the law of series appears in many aspects of everyday life, science and technology. In the common sense understanding it signifies a sudden increase of frequency of a rare event, seemingly violating the rules of probability. This law can be...
  2. DominionCuentas

    James Simons, performance fees and quants

    OF COURSE. (y)
  3. DominionCuentas

    James Simons, performance fees and quants

    That's also what I try to do. 😀 It's important to phrase your statements like "Losers look left winners look right!" correctly, because otherwise people will probably call you out 😉 and you will end up talking about"Eternalism"...
  4. DominionCuentas

    James Simons, performance fees and quants

    I was not asking anything specifically. Just adding to KlondikeFX's argument. 😐 That's bullcrap. Trading is too personal a game to assert black and white claims like that and attribute them to everyone. Moreover, if you don't look at the left side of the chart, or in other words, if you don't...
  5. DominionCuentas

    James Simons, performance fees and quants

    ... and support / resistance levels?
  6. DominionCuentas

    Controlling Time Drawdown

    That's not a solution. If you stop trading you never come out of any drawdown... 😑 What we are talking about here is that drawdowns can be managed in different ways. And sometimes some ways are better than others.
  7. DominionCuentas

    Controlling Time Drawdown

    No need to spill ALL the beans.
  8. DominionCuentas

    Controlling Time Drawdown

    @Pure Pip Producer What do you mean by controlling Time Drawdown? I don't think I've ever heard of this concept before. Could you please give us an example or elaborate a little bit more? Thanks.
  9. DominionCuentas

    Darwinex Forum: Vision , Goals and Rules.

    @itstradingtime I don't care about forum veteranship or GIFs mastery at all, but drop me a private message whenever you want. Let's meet virtually on a Saturday/Sunday afternoon via Zoom/Skype to talk Trading. Maybe I'll learn something from you. 😅