Recent content by Digs

  1. D

    Rogue Trader

    yeah sorry...puts
  2. D

    Rogue Trader

    Nick had 34000 naked options calls....then there was an real earth quake and the market plunged..he wad doomed...Can you imagine 34000 naked options positions. Thats is he took naked calls to get the premium
  3. D

    Level 2 Screen Use is DEAD !

    Did I score a bulls eye ...
  4. D

    Level 2 Screen Use is DEAD !

    It seams to me if some one posted and kept update todate the AXE on the 100 NAS stocks then thats all one need to know... Q: AFter one of NAZ trading sessions how would one work out which MM is the AXE on a stock, without having to watch the stock for months...or getting the response "thats...
  5. D

    Level 2 Screen Use is DEAD !

    RIMM I was there to, I got murdered ! Hence my investigation in level 2.
  6. D

    Level 2 Screen Use is DEAD !

    Thx NAZ for your comments, So I guess you would say that level 2 setups prior to chart moves is not a dying art, and will remain a useful tool into the future. Naza, if you belive the gossip around the NYSE that may be soon 100% direct access trading, I have read they may start with 300...
  7. D

    Level 2 Screen Use is DEAD !

    Ok, I have you attention. I posted a thread on trying to find out the effectiveness of Level 2 tyring to work out market makers actions. All I can get out of level 2 is liquidity and price spread. Market Markers...
  8. D

    Trading the US the Naz/Mr. Charts Way

    Big rally stocks in the past couple of weeks like RMBS, OSTK, IMCL and NGEN, where volume is 20 times more than monthly average for news break out day. QUESTION : Is this type of rally typical of the BULL market days of 1999, or can they happen in bear markets days like 2000 to 2001? If there...
  9. D

    Best Pattern Trading software ?

    Goto and ask there....also
  10. D

    90% get it wrong?

    90% loose because.. -Entry level is easy -Tools to trader are mostly not profitable, ie anything making money is usually a well kept secret -Risk of overtrading via online trading tools -Novices always underestimate the degree of difficultly required to be win over a peirod of time, not every...