Recent content by devvvy

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    CNY Money Supply

    hello Anybody knows where on internet shows money suppy time series (annual) for different Ccy? I am particularly interested in CNY/USD/EUR/GBP I found But economagic only covers USD. Thanks
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    Delta neutral hedge with futures

    option position value * delta = future position value option position value = c x number of contracts (where c is warrant/option price, you can use market price, or compute with say BlackShoals, in which case you're using market neutral value of option/warrant...
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    historical data

    i assume by historical price you mean equities only right? then even yahoo has csv/Excel free for download. Thomson QAI and S&P PIT ...etc are top dogs in this area providing far more than just historical stocks prices (for example historical GICS classification, bps/eps...etc) which is used by...
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    Platform Independent Realtime/Tick API Data Feed?

    I used Bloomberg before for equities and fixed income (spot, bond price, yield curves, security identifier so on so forth), API exposed to .NET or C++, not sure about JAVA. But .NET can run on just about any platform on mono. Their API is socket based API. Bloomberg Desktop API which comes with...
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    Security Identifier - free feed?

    Hi, looking for free security identifier (ISIN, Sedol, CUSIP, Bbrg ticker...etc) feed, is there any? Thanks
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    Purchasing Trading Systems

    there really are many type of systems hello there really are many types of systems traders use... from Bloomberg/Reuters terminal that supply market data, proprietary or out-of-shelf position keeping/risk management (The Greeks/Delta/Vega/Theta..etc) to black box algo/program trading in...
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    swap is swap, not bond Swap is swap not bond. Bond is priced by calculating Present Value of coupons+payment on maturity. Swap is exchange of payments. Take IRS (Interest Rate Swap) for instance, you can have leg#1 = Fixed and leg#2 = floating. "fixed leg" (leg where payment is made on...
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    Purchasing Trading Systems

    What do you mean trading system? System that let you execute trades, keep track of portfolio/risk and position/PnL? Or system that makes reconmendation?