Recent content by Dacamic

  1. D

    The Complete EOD Trader - A Strategy for Longer Term Investors

    "Stale" results are a red flag, because they could reflect a missed filing deadline by the company. Whatever cut-off date is chosen for fundamental data screens, it might be a good idea to use "avoid" as the default choice for companies that do not have current results.
  2. D

    First Backtesting results

    I agree with both Adamus and Jbat. You should also consider checking robustness of your system by varying its parameters in a narrow range in your backtests. The first step, though, is certainly to test against various market conditions as they suggested.
  3. D

    Anyone heard of Day Trade to Win

    GG, I believe you referenced me in your post by mistake. I am not sufficiently familiar with the subject software or ATLAS line to offer any in-depth opinion about them.
  4. D

    indicators that work

    Possibly, but not necessarily. Even a high winning percentage can be swamped if winners are small and losers are big.
  5. D

    Critique my results

    As others have implied, the subject strategy will most likely have a negative expectancy per trade when transactions costs have been properly included; thus, it is not viable.
  6. D

    Changing parameters every week, is that curve fitting?

    Whether good news or bad, each person must on their own figure out which techniques will work well for them. For example I use indicator-based systems, while others obviously do not. Even within a given subset of traders, it still fascinates me how widely diverse their approaches are...
  7. D

    RSI Calculation Discrepancy?

    As a guess, the Yahoo calculations are based upon 5-minute bars. If all calculations use daily bars (EOD data), their RSI values will be reasonably close to one another.
  8. D

    Changing parameters every week, is that curve fitting?

    Rather than search for a single best-performing parameter set, I prefer finding a set that is within a range of sets that perform well. Using your example, I might settle on Stoch(14) if 12,13,15 and 16 also show promise. On the other hand, I would avoid Stoch(14) if its parameter "neighbors"...
  9. D

    20 Simple Rules of Trading

    One interpretation of the above post is that over 90% of your positions are net profitable when closed. Is that correct? Maybe I'm interpreting "always doing this" too literally.
  10. D

    Annual returns

    It seems reasonable to assume anyone consistently earning 75% annually over the long term would find themselves very close to the right edge of the curve. In other words, it is unusual ... even without small drawdowns.
  11. D

    20 Simple Rules of Trading

    The list probably isn't directly applicable to everyone. At the very least, though, it serves as a very good template for helping people devise a similar list for themselves.
  12. D

    Anyone heard of 60 minute trader?

    There are a few old threads about this topic, including the following:
  13. D

    Trailing stop losses

    I tend to agree with this thought, yet there is still value in using percentage-based stops for the rare occasions when prices are moving unfavorably more quickly than technical-based signals can react. If my memory is reasonably accurate, technicals trigger at least 90% of my exits and...
  14. D

    Mechanical Trading possible ?

    With apology, my confusion lingers. I am having trouble connecting the dots between open interest; arbs and hedges reversing/entering/exiting; and, overnight mechanical systems. Maybe one interpretation is that 50% of S&P 500 volume is due to arbs and hedge funds using overnight mechanical...