Recent content by coolcola

  1. C

    Forex tax haven question

    yep those are some very good ideas and i believe they are all legal starter of this thread should research this point and talk to a professional tax accountant
  2. C

    Taxation software?

    i suggest googling it up, since you are in the UK, use for local results
  3. C

    enjoy it LIKE BECKHAM!

    real madrid already has tons of players like beckham himself... don't know how Owen will fit in there
  4. C

    tax implications

    i wonder why the UK government allows spread betters to keep their $$ (from spread betting) tax free... do they want to encourage this trade??
  5. C

    Anyone Trading from Tax Free Haven?

    if you're going to get a job in UAE and live there, as well as become a stock trader, then that's awesome!! but just going there so you can trade tax free... immature idea :|