Recent content by cognate

  1. C

    What will happen on 20 April ?

    As for your first question :this is some Shia Muslim forecast, huh? My answer is : I don't know really any Shia Muslim forecast . Ok ? Second : you said , " Nothing will happen on April 20th." I would like to tell you that God is the only one who knows what is going to happen on that day ...
  2. C

    What will happen on 20 April ?

    First of all , thank you for your reply , yet , I think you mean Wallstreet not Hitler would have been celebrating its birthday but Do you think it is going to be nice celebration ? I'd like to know your answer , yes or no .
  3. C

    What will happen on 20 April ?

    What will happen on 20 April ? This is my question . I really want to know the answer ; because there are a lot of files have been sent to so many friends with the same question . please help and reply . Chinese will sell the United States Treasury securities? NORMAN LEBOON SR Weblog With...