Recent content by claraduparc

  1. C

    Trader Monthly party at Harrods

    Tuesday 29th the TRADER people are launching Dealmaker magazine at Grosvenor House, anyone going to that? Are we allowed?
  2. C

    Trader Monthly party at Harrods

    [Clara Weeps]
  3. C

    Trader Monthly party at Harrods

    Arggghhh, didn't go in the end...!
  4. C

    Trader Monthly party at Harrods

    How on earth do you become guest of honour?
  5. C

    Trader Monthly party at Harrods

    Anyone off to the one at Dolce?
  6. C

    Trader Monthly party at Harrods

    The next big one is going to be 13th May, don't know whether there may be some smaller ones in between times, will keep ears to the ground.
  7. C

    Trader Monthly party at Harrods

    It is indeed the 20th at Paper - champagne-a-go-go