Recent content by CitySharks

  1. C

    WARNING: 90% Of Retail Traders Lose, What Are You Made Of? Are You A Shark?

    The truth is that 90% of retail traders lose money and only 10% of traders make a profit and see any green. So statistically from a narrow and negative point of view your chances of success are slim at best. But as with most things in life with a different and more positive perspective towards...
  2. C

    Crossroad in life, please help

    Best to keep all options open but do what you love! The money will then come! Found this for you a fee demo account for a free £25 to get you started: Learn a little first before risking any money. Also why not do two things in life? Maybe...
  3. C

    FTSE, DAX, DOW Trading Ideas and discussions

    Buy just before 8.00 a.m with a low stop/lose potential gaining big while risking less. If the market takes off big in one direction you nail it big.