Recent content by bunnyears

  1. B

    Esl trading software

    I've been doing more work recently with ESL Financial systems with IBISworld and man are they lightyears (bunnyears!!) ahead of the competition. I've found ESL Financial interface by far the least complex of all majors and inspite of the economic conditions locally here i've been cranking. Go ESL!!
  2. B

    JBC Global, CFS Live, ELS Trader Stock – Share Trading Scams

    There are those out there that try to tarnish the good name of others to further themselves. One common method these days is to write a heap of BS online discrediting people or companies. One such example are blogs whereby one person can write a blog and then comment as many times as they like...
  3. B

    Esl software

    Hi folks, I'm new to the forum.. I spent a number of years trading on the LSE within HSBC until I decided trading for myself from home would be a better lifestyle choice! I recall one of the leading trading software we used was developed by ESL. I saw somewhere recently that ESL may be entering...
  4. B

    Esl trading software

    Hi Albert, you're not wrong!! It was a combination of P/L inconsistency as well as a rather clumsy interface. I am in the market for a new trading system so any recommendations on the leading systems would be appreciated. ESL help investment banks and broker dealers take control of their...
  5. B

    Esl trading software

    Hi folks, I'm new to the forum.. I spent a number of years trading on the LSE within HSBC until I decided trading for myself from home would be a better lifestyle choice! I recall one of the leading trading software we used was developed by ESL. I saw somewhere recently that ESL may be entering...