Recent content by brent-smiley

  1. B

    Review of

    A good response in which I actually agree with alot of, except I made a bit. I didnt get on with the room although I like the set ups. As you mention. Crazy people appraising your trades when they might not know much themselves. The twitter is becoming almost like spam aswell with little...
  2. B

    Review of

    i'am not mike!
  3. B

    Review of

    I give up you lot are crazy!
  4. B

    Review of

    Re: Review of FOR BEGINNERS! D70 and once again you do not address the fact that i was a paying customer room name Ian H Something slightly fishy about you me old china, you either lost a lot of money or your a very bitter person. Remember IanH, scull and thick come to mind, I...
  5. B

    Review of

    Re: Review of FOR BEGINNERS! D70 As I have previously stated and you choose to ignore, MY NAME was Ian H in the room. I'm not hiding behind the vail of the internet, I'm not Mike, I dont work or have any other reason for posting other than to put my personalpoint of view, Its not...
  6. B

    Review of

    something we agree on and why i dont normally post and wont again, was just trying to be balanced. But it seems to be not allowed without being acused of being someone else.
  7. B

    Review of

  8. B

    Review of

    informed reply, i wish you every success. I think you are going to need it. Now move on and bother someone else!
  9. B

    Review of

    For a legendary member, your posts are idiotic. Grow up
  10. B

    Review of

    I'm prepared to stand by my posts. If you was in the FTSEDay trade room you should remeber me my name as displayed in the room Ian H Not hiding behind internet rooms what was yours, I might be able help you with were you went wrong if I remember you. and to anyone else that wants to proof...
  11. B

    Review of

    redbrix you are clearly not the inspector clouseau that you think you are
  12. B

    Review of

    Not Mike Me, not sure how I can prove it but willing to try if you like, have you read my review? god freedom of speech gone mad. I really dont want to keep defending my self or FTSEday.
  13. B

    Review of

    oh dear, Webbo one post how dare you lol
  14. B

    Review of

    Like i said D70! i have nothing to do with them, I have my own compnay, not interested in running a subscriber sight or helping anyone, and trade only part time. So disappear yourself. I think my reply was fair and both sided. I have also been a member here on t2W for over a year, just never...
  15. B

    Review of

    I personally, once I had learnt the set ups found it better to go it alone, so i wasnt waiting on Mike to call them for me. Its definatly not a perfect system I dont think there is one. You only need 51% winners to 49% loosers but I would suggest that the set ups are higher than that, at what...