Recent content by arieshops

  1. A have a new service (DAY-INTERMEDIATE) Some notes about daytrading in general. q) why if signals are so good, they do not trade their own money...? the chat room bussines is not to make money trading. The bussines is giving (selling) real time signals following a set of rules...
  2. A

    Vouch for these services?

    Hello about bottarelli Im interested in trying it, the service i used before was from (the same people that opened bottarelli reasearch), i tried it before but i was not so happy with results. They are not scam becuase they charged from my CC only waht i used and stopped...
  3. A

    Bottarelli research

    not too much but... Hello Im interested in trying it, the service i used before was from (the same people that opened bottarelli reasearch), i tried it before but i was not so happy with results. They are not scam becuase they charged from my CC only waht i used and stopped...