Recent content by anino

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    Best Thread Joke of the day

    A teacher is trying to persuade her pupils to buy the end of year class photograph. "Just think," she says, "in twenty years' time you'll be able to look at this photograph and say, "Look - there's Tommy Brown, he's a famous explorer now." "And that must be Mary Smith, she's an actor in...
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    Green as grass

    A safe bet Tenapenny. It was that sort of weather that drove my wife and me to these warmer shores. However I shall refrain from quoting figures that might make you drool. And thanks for your reply. That conclusion is as I thought and seems obvious but I've seen hints which I can't now place...
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    Green as grass

    Hello. My name is Maurice Tindall, late (very late) of Leicester UK and now in Adelaide, Australia. I am new to this scene and would like to try my hand at spread trading the indices, FTSE, Aust200,and whatever else is available on IgIndex. Have done some reading up on this and related...