Recent content by AndreyMal

  1. AndreyMal

    Double my money challenge by a beginner

    The 20% profit, 7% loss model you're following is a solid starting point. The percentages give you a framework, but remember, the market doesn't always follow the rules! There'll be a lot of curveballs, but that's part of the excitement and learning experience. Since you're exploring UK and US...
  2. AndreyMal

    Workshop: Algorithmic Trading with Python

    Thanks for the information.
  3. AndreyMal

    New to this

    I am also new here, gald to meet you, but sorry unfortunately I haven't tried it
  4. AndreyMal

    Are Shitcoins the Next Big Wave ?

    No, the maximum you can get from them is a small profit, but shitcoins will never become a new bitcoin.
  5. AndreyMal

    Clips of the day

    Have you ever watched the youtube live about the countries debts all around the world?
  6. AndreyMal

    Sticky Introduce Yourself

    Nice to meet you! Happy to be a part of your community.
  7. AndreyMal

    Double my money challenge by a beginner

    Kudos on diving into the trading world and taking the initiative to document your journey! It's a wild ride, but it sounds like you're approaching it with a healthy mix of caution and curiosity, which is excellent.