Recent content by Adrian Grimaldi-Alberts

  1. Adrian Grimaldi-Alberts

    Trading Careers Life as a Trader

    I’ve often been asked how I manage to work in this profession without losing my mind. The truth is, I think I have lost little bits of it over time. Just kidding! Seriously though, I don’t blame people for thinking that traders must be a bit crazy for doing what we do and, quite honestly, I...
  2. Adrian Grimaldi-Alberts

    Psychology Trading: An Imitation of Life and Jiu-Jitsu

    I was only 18 years old when I first heard of "derivatives trading" when my late father tried to explain the concept to me after having had a discussion with one of his friends. Quite honestly, I had absolutely no idea what it entailed but a part of me just knew that I wanted to do it for a...