Sigma Kaput?

FTSE in mouth

Any truth to the rumour that Sigma has gone pop after some box positions/traders went kaput? Several other firms may be in trouble after the Sep Box shifted 30 ticks pretty damn quickly.

Just rumours ATM. Any news?


Got caught on the spreads but its not as bad as people are making out (although when is it?) but the company is still going, none of the traders have left and it'll be business as usual
These are the rumours i have heard
-it was a 400k loss
- it was a box, on short sterling
-it was just one or two self backed traders

Probably all lies, but who knows?
Why weren't there proper risk controls in place? I've heard rumours they've got themselves in trouble before.
Have they started trading spanish crude or something? Sounds like he finally landed that job he wanted..
Maybe they should leg out ;)

To lose two million from a thirty tick move in a box anyone else reckon there was some turbo averaging going on?