Why is it always Graduates ?

success in trading is not predicted on degrees , why do you wnat to join an arcade when you want to trade solo anyway . it's not as if they can offer you an edge is it ?
I think lower costs, training, the information flow is the edge that makes the arcade environment more productive than doing it solo at home. This is particualrly important if you are scalping rather than position trading. I have done both in the past and the arcade was always the better environment.
Stockjunkie said:
success in trading is not predicted on degrees , why do you wnat to join an arcade when you want to trade solo anyway . it's not as if they can offer you an edge is it ?

Thats a simple answer for me Stockjunkie. When you have taught yourself at home you start to question (in my mind) what you have learnt. You may have started to become profitable, but you still beleive you can improve considerably. I have met traders infinitely more successful than me, all of them trade in environments where there are other traders. None of them ever traded from home. So whilst I accept that you may not be 'taught' anything at an arcade it is still a non-isolated environment in which you are around other traders. Your chances of picking up small bits of information are much greater than being at home on your own.

But of course, thats just my opinion. You may be right, perhaps just staying at home and sticking with it over time is actually the only way to improve.
Hi Roger,
I dont know any large traders who trade from home on their own.
Even when i visited a leading hedge fund working from what was described being above a shop in highgate (which sounds like hardly a better set up than working from home), sounded like one man doing it on his own.
When i got there, it was just before a major figure, there were 10 people and they were set up like they were waiting for the lauch of the space shuttle.
You are trying to compete against that from home, on your own!
Tell me would you enter yourself and your ford focus in a race against a carrerra gt?
bundbaby ,

yes I have , I have detailed it on another thread .

roger ,

I understand where you are coming from , I was in your position some time ago .

what I would say is this :

1) I assume that arcade means one of these bucket shops where everyine trades their own money and pays the arcade boss , rental and usage fees of all sorts . His only role is that of a basic landlord .

2) As such , if such a place offered " training " how much can you learn from this ? what would their credentials be ? have they ever won anything before ? with decent risk control ?

the answer would most likely be 98% - NO !

3) So you imply that you can pick up bits and pieces from fellow traders .... I find this most unlikely , as usually the kind of " winner " at these places are gamblers - put everything on 1 trade , bite your finger , swear at everyone , get an ulcer and hope for the best . this is not trading , it is gambling .

so what one learn from that ? very little I feel , and the ones that do tings right and make money , do you think that will easily share their secrets with you , viewing you as a competitor ?

very unlikely I think .

But if you know the tricks and sneaks you can work your way around the system extract ( sneak ) the relevant info from them .

if you are really interested PM me - II'll see if I can give you a few pointers .