SII cerificates-material


Junior member
Hi all,
Looking to do SII certificates in regulation,derivatives and securities (units 1, 2 ,3) however dont fancy forking out £250 for house study pack. If anyone as there old books and there fairly recent (ie. last couple of years) it would be great if you could get in touch as I would be very interested in paying a fair price for the material.
Thank you
Not a bad idea although I'd be a bit careful with revising old books as the material does change and you may miss bits out by revising old stuff,just some advice.
I did all my research off old books, as long as you get the SII updates it doesnt matter just so long as its post 2001 and you have FSMA in!

We are a new recruiter for Broker Roles, but looking to set up an online second hand study material shop; we therefore have plenty of study guides for CeMAP, CeFA, SII feel free to contact us for further info.

[email protected]