quo trek help


Junior member
Can anyone help me?

I want to receive real time data from esignal on a PDA

Does Quo Trek work on orange or o2 network?

Does it work on most pda's and smart phones?

e signal don't seem to be very helpful with these 2 questions unless of course you live in the States.

Is there any other data provider that offers live data onto a PDA?
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Those two carriers are not listed on our QuoTrek info page but that doesn't nec. mean they won't work. I suggest going to this page and clicking on the operating system for your PDA. If that model is listed, you can go ahead and download the software and take our 30 day trial offer.


Alternatively, you might want to post on the QuoTrek forum on eSignal Central and perhaps another user who uses o2 or Orange will chime in. 1


We'll continue to add support for other carriers and hardware and once we confirm a certain combination works, we add it to the list.

Thanks Scott,

As always esignal are very helpful, however they don't seem to be 100% sure on these questions,
T-mobile don't have a brilliant coverage in my area which restricts me to Vodaphone.

I do not have a PDA at the moment, but before I take on a 12 month contract I must make sure what ever I get works.

I will try the forum.

Thanks for your help
