Program/Script to notify me of trendline breakouts


I want a program in which you could*provide a data input, for say a currency pair like USD/JPY,*it then automatically visually graphs the data and looks for trendlines of "tops down" "bottoms up"
-I'd want it to only identify trendlines of at least say 8 hours in length, so as to avoid worthless 5 minute trendlines and such)*
-note that these types of programs already exist and have existed for years - see Trend Line with Alert | ThinkScripter for example*

* -The thinkscript one is good however am looking for something that is just a little more developed-

*1- automatically selecting the latest date/time) the think scripter one required you input the end date)
2- doing 15min, 30min, 1hr, 4hr charts (think script only allows daily charts)
3- selecting the minimum length of trendline (ie 8 hrs +)

So to review,
I want a software/program that accepts data inputs, and identifies trendlines of a specified period of time (ie: 8 hours plus)

At this point, all I want is for it to send me an SMS or email notification when the trendline is broken (thus identifying a breakout)

So all I do is:
1-provide the data feed for the currency*pair I want it to monitor (ie: USD/JPY)
2- Select the minimum length for the trendlines (ie, at least 8 hours long)(again to avoid trendlines only 5 minutes long, etc)
3- Then simply be notified when the trendline is broken

Pretty simple right?*Where can I find this or where would you recommend I look?

Thanks for your help,