
Nexgen seemed greatly over priced to me. Sometimes the price bars get to or turn near fib lines. There are several fib lines on the charts and the price may change near any of them or not. There probably really is something to Fibonacci but I never saw any consistency while trying Nexgen.
I have been successfully trading for the last 3 years without the Nexgen software; However, I was naive enough to have purchased it years ago, but during those years of using it I have found out a couple of things: 1 - No one needs Nexgen indicators to become successful, honestly those indcators are no better than the ones that come free with any charting package (forget about the idea that one should pay $10k to $15k for them - Buy a Ford instead). 2 - There are other better ways of learning (mainly through personal observation of the markets), but it's not easy. Nexgen provides comfort to prospective buyers by polishing and canning the product in such a way that it appears and looks functional, but its no better than any other indicators (if you even use indicators to begin with). DON'T BUY IT! That's all I can say. And if you are still thinking about the purchase at least demand that YOU WANT TO SEE ANY ONE OF THEIR EXPERTS (INCLUDING NOVAK) TO SUCCESSFULLY AND CONSISTENTLY TRADE WITH THE PRODUCT, EVEN IF THEY DO IT IN SIM MODE FOR 1 WEEK. I guarantee you they'll give you a song and dance why they won't.

But the main point is DO NOT PAY $15,000 for something that is no better than something else that you can get for free or at least cheaper.
My sentiments exactly concerning Nexgen.
I believe what they do best is selling the program and gettting you to like the salesman.
May you prosper and be in health as your soul prospers.