MY BOM daily bets - Post your Betonmarkets Daily Bets Here

Dear Friends,

Following are my new BOM bets.

1. Touch/No Touch: USD200.00 payout if GBP/USD touches 1.5106 at any time up to and including the close of trading on 12-Jul-10. (Bet Price - USD 178.06) - Return 12%

2. Break Out: Win USD200.00 if EUR/JPY touches or trades through 108.23 or 113.23 at any time before the close of trading on 13-Jul-10 [inclusive]. Bet Price - USD 156.44(28% Return)

3. Break Out: Win USD200.00 if USD/JPY touches or trades through 85.88 or 88.91 at any time before the close of trading on 15-Jul-10 [inclusive]. Bet Price - USD 151.51 ( 32% Return)

4. No Touch: Win USD200.00 if EUR/USD never touches 1.2353 at any time before the close of trading on 8-Jul-10 [inclusive]. Prce - USD 162.62 - Expired today with full profit

5. 1. No Touch: Win USD500.00 if EUR/USD never touches 1.185 at any time before the close of trading on 14-Jul-10 [inclusive].( Purchase Price - USD 397.36) - 26% Return

Thanks & All the best

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