Moderation & Guidelines: Poll result summary


Legendary member
Firstly, it has to be said that the number of votes cast was disappointing. However, despite that, the exercise has provided much food for thought and the team will be discussing all aspects in some detail. Action will be taken to address concerns.

We were already embarked on taking some action concerning more transparency about warnings given relating to unacceptable behavious and banned members, together with action concerning underlying commercial interest. The poll results and comments have confirmed that we need to continue with that.

Naturally enough, most of the comment related to moderation per se. On standards, most (just) felt that current standards were ok, but that conflicts with comments and polls in other threads and there seem pretty strong feelings that we should tighten up, particularly in relation to rudeness, agression, abusiveness and disruptiveness. It was maybe surprising that there was no great enthusism for giving more clarity in our guidelines here but, as one comment pointed out, greater clarity could only do good rather than harm.

As far as moderation fairness and consistency were concerned it was quite clear that, for the respondents at least, we need to do much better.

If I may add a personal comment here. I did muse as to whether I'd asked the right question :rolleyes: - as you do! The reason for that, from my purely personal perspective, is that I would freely admit to being inconsistent across the boards. I am tougher on "serious topic" threads and I let a lot more go on the more "knock-about" threads. What I am, though (or try to be), is consistent within the thread.

Whilst this might beg the question of what is "serious" and what is "knock-about", I don't see it as a problem to be inconsistent in this way.

Anyway, thank you to all those who participated, whether specifically, or on other threads, or via pm etc. Watch this space :)

Cheers and good trading

I didn't even see the poll. There just seem to be too many posts here for me to wade through. I spent a few days away and don't have the motivation to wade through all the posts. Sometimes small is beautiful and TTW has become too big and ugly. Not sure what needs to be done but getting rid of about 35,000 members might improve things :)
barjon said:
If I may add a personal comment here. I did muse as to whether I'd asked the right question :rolleyes: - as you do! The reason for that, from my purely personal perspective, is that I would freely admit to being inconsistent across the boards. I am tougher on "serious topic" threads and I let a lot more go on the more "knock-about" threads. What I am, though (or try to be), is consistent within the thread.
In light of frugi's surprise resignation, I feel compelled to speak up and say publicly what an excellent job you and your colleagues do. I suspect that to moderate fairly a site like T2W is as complex - if not more so - than trading itself! Clearly, the site guidelines leave a lot to personal interpretation which makes the job of moderator very complex at times, to say the very least. I congratulate you and the other mod's for doing - for the most part - a difficult and thankless task. Keep up the good work!
A big thanks to Jon for conducting the Moderation and Guidelines polls - I appreciate it's taken a lot of time and effort to do.

Some people might think it an admission of weakness to invite comment on the way we forums are managed - I don't, I think it show strength and conviction that we actively want to continue to improve the site.

I've spent most of today reading all the comments and suggestions we've received in the various threads in the feedback forum. Consequently there are several measures that I think we could, fairly rapidly, put into place to assist with the main objective of the forum, that being "to promote mature, intelligent & respectful discussion in a positive & safe environment for everyone".

I'll be discussing these measures with the rest of the mods this week, and then members will be consulted about any changes we decide to make.