Liquidity of E-micro currency futures vs E-mini vs standard contract?


Senior member
Someone in the spread-betting part of the forum suggested E-mini or E-micro currency futures, as an alternative to SB, but did make the point that liquidity in the micro might not be all that good, although the mini should be ok.

Does anyone here know the score?

I looked at the CMEgroup website, and they were plugging the micro quite hard, and claiming good liquidity, but I think that could have been cleverly worded to actually mean that CME currency futures had good liquidity, but trying to convey the impression that the micro ones were included in this description, which might not in reality be the case.
Not that I am cynical or anything.
Thanks Peter. From that link I got this

and from there I notice that E-mini currency futures volumes are also quite small - same order of magnitude as micros. (So probably no point in stretching from micro to mini in an attempt to get liquidity (if you can't afford to go to the full contract).

If anyone has experience of trading these things (E-micro currency futures), I would be happy to hear of your experiences, especially if you have previous experience of trading currencies via spread-betting.