Help! ADVFN screen shot...


Experienced member
Could anyone help me with how to post an ADVFN screen shot please! I tried copying the link and posted it in some of my posts but it did not work.

Thanks very much!

Here's an example.

<a href='' title='Free stock charts & share prices from ADVFN.COM'><img border='0' src=''><br><i>free</i> stock charts from ADVFN.COM</a><br>
To post a screenshot press the "Shift" key and the "Prt Sc" key and this will copy the current screen to the clipboard. You can then paste it into any picture editing program to view it.

Trader333 said:
To post a screenshot press the "Shift" key and the "Prt Sc" key and this will copy the current screen to the clipboard. You can then paste it into any picture editing program to view it.


Many thanks, Paul. I thought the HTML things from ADVFN should work here, but may be not.


How to upload pix

Now that I have the necessary pix, how can I upload and attach it in my post. There doesn't seem to be an 'upload' button.

Thanks much,

When you come to make a post click "Advanced" and you will get a list of icons at the top of your post. One of them allows inserting of images. The other option is to go to the bottom of the post and select "Manage Attachements" You then browse to the file you wish to upload and when you have found it click "Upload" on the right of the screen.

I hope this helps

Trader333 said:
When you come to make a post click "Advanced" and you will get a list of icons at the top of your post. One of them allows inserting of images. The other option is to go to the bottom of the post and select "Manage Attachements" You then browse to the file you wish to upload and when you have found it click "Upload" on the right of the screen.

I hope this helps


Great, Paul. Problem sorted :)