Great Trading Method - Trade Safe


Junior member
If any of you are struggling with your trading or you're a newbie looking for a trading method with a very successful mentor, check out The guy has a method called the Trade Safe method and he's been very successful with it for many years. The price is very reasonable and he insists on mentoring you to give you the best possible chance of being successful. He is selective in who he chooses to teach the method, but it's a good one and you can save a lot of money. What I mean by that is everyone thinks there is a Holy Grail or at least they look for it. You can spend a ton of money before you realize trading success comes only thru YOU. If you can learn a really good method that offers a few high probability setups everyday and can be diciplined enough to use simple risk management, you will be successful with just about any decent method. If you want to deal with a real person and not someone looking to make money pushing another trading method, then I think you will be very pleased.
PaulTudorJones - Really interesting post man. You've really opened my eyes.

Your right 'Everyone thinks there is a holy grail... spend ton of money... trading success comes only through you'... Your dead right mate, instead of spending my money on methods from websites like or i should be learning through free websites and books and then developing my own trading skills through experience.

Very insight thanks a lot; I hope everyone sees his message 'DON'T BUY COURSES, LEARN TO TRADE'

Very good Paul ^^
I DO recommend the Trade Safe method and site

If any of you are struggling with your trading or you're a newbie looking for a trading method with a very successful mentor, check out The guy has a method called the Trade Safe method and he's been very successful with it for many years. The price is very reasonable and he insists on mentoring you to give you the best possible chance of being successful. He is selective in who he chooses to teach the method, but it's a good one and you can save a lot of money. What I mean by that is everyone thinks there is a Holy Grail or at least they look for it. You can spend a ton of money before you realize trading success comes only thru YOU. If you can learn a really good method that offers a few high probability setups everyday and can be diciplined enough to use simple risk management, you will be successful with just about any decent method. If you want to deal with a real person and not someone looking to make money pushing another trading method, then I think you will be very pleased.

I appreciate your reply, but I think you misunderstood some of it. Yes, most courses and strategies are being pushed by people who don't trade and all they want is your money. The guy who teaches his Trade Safe method is the real deal. If you are looking for a GOOD trading method and want to learn from someone who will take the time to teach you how to make a living trading, then go to If you already have a method or strategy and are making money, then by all means, stick with it.
I appreciate your reply, but I think you misunderstood some of it. Yes, most courses and strategies are being pushed by people who don't trade and all they want is your money. The guy who teaches his Trade Safe method is the real deal. If you are looking for a GOOD trading method and want to learn from someone who will take the time to teach you how to make a living trading, then go to If you already have a method or strategy and are making money, then by all means, stick with it.

i think he was taking the p!ss mate
I appreciate your reply, but I think you misunderstood some of it. Yes, most courses and strategies are being pushed by people who don't trade and all they want is your money. The guy who teaches his Trade Safe method is the real deal. If you are looking for a GOOD trading method and want to learn from someone who will take the time to teach you how to make a living trading, then go to If you already have a method or strategy and are making money, then by all means, stick with it.

I see what your saying...

So don't buy courses because the people selling them can't trade - Yeah i totally agree. And yeah again, your right the guy who teaches Trade Safe Method is just ripping people off i agree, as you said

'' If you can learn a really good method that offers a few high probability setups everyday and can be diciplined enough to use simple risk management, you will be successful with just about any decent method. ''

So no point buying silly systems like Trade Safe Method when 'just about any decent method' can be used and there are plenty of free good methods on the forums!

Thanks for pointing out how these methods aren't worth the money Paul!

Good man
Yep. I agree with paultudorjones and Halotrader. If someone was a truly profitable consistent trader, I doubt they'd waste their time selling their methods and teaching others all day when they could be making a fortune.

Well pointed out PTJ.