Dow (YM) trading hours & IB TWS


Well-known member
Hi, I have some questions regarding dow futures (YM):

The dow futures appear to stop being traded between approx 21:15 & 21:30 GMT - is this correct and is this the only time of day they stop being traded?

My next questions may belong in a different forum folder but I'll mention them now, I hope I don't offend anyone:

I placed a trade at the end of day yesterday (9pm GMT). I created a limit trade and a stop trade. During the 15 minute period mentioned above the limit trade got cancelled (using IB TWS) a message popped up something like "invalid trade"? It must be possible to have a limit and a stop running at all times surely?

Lastly and again this may belong elsewhere. Using TWS how can I connect my limit and stop trades together - ie if the stop or limit is actioned then cancel the other one?

Many thanks!

Last weekend a number of instruments moved from the CBOT to the CME.

View this link for the trading times, if I am not mistaken these times differ slightly from the CBOT and as I experienced can make a difference to the change on the day figure if your datafeed has not fallen in line.

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Lastly and again this may belong elsewhere. Using TWS how can I connect my limit and stop trades together - ie if the stop or limit is actioned then cancel the other one?

Many thanks!

You can use bracket orders. For instance an OCA (one cancels all) will cancel your stop order once your limit (target) is hit and the other way around.