Demo Account Pips Question


Junior member
Hi, not been around for a while but decided to open a metatrader account with alpari. Anyways i know its a demo account but if i was to open a live account i would only want to be starting with a small bank, say £200.
On this demo the difference between the buy price and there price is like 25 pips, so im -25 straight away and if the market goes against me im well and truly snookered.

Please excuse my ignorance but where can i open an account for say 200 and keep the pips donw to a minimum, or am i getting it wrong? thanks for reading.
Hi, not been around for a while but decided to open a metatrader account with alpari. Anyways i know its a demo account but if i was to open a live account i would only want to be starting with a small bank, say £200.
On this demo the difference between the buy price and there price is like 25 pips, so im -25 straight away and if the market goes against me im well and truly snookered.

Please excuse my ignorance but where can i open an account for say 200 and keep the pips donw to a minimum, or am i getting it wrong? thanks for reading.

I am also just starting out and have started with an account with IG Index with £250. GBPUSD spread is 3 pips. Good luck.
Alpari is a "5 digit broker", I'm pretty sure you're actually starting 2.5 pips down (spread), as alpari quotes prices to the 10th of a pip.