Cunning devious plan


Legendary member
1. Print money
2. Buy linkers with it (make sure it's linkers because...) and thus increasing money supply and inflation
3. Public debt back under control by 2015
4. Pound approximately worth a Rhodesian dollar

Anyone think this is the plan?

Old friend of mine wrote this somewhat tangentially related idea about where we may go next...
Sounds like it!

I don't agree with your friend about the commodity backed ETF's though, some of them like the USO (based on US crude) has not been a happy experience for investors. Would depend if it was based on gold or something where the ETF is less likely to manipulate the underlying. Hmm, another argument for the gold standard.
1. Print money
2. Buy linkers with it (make sure it's linkers because...) and thus increasing money supply and inflation
3. Public debt back under control by 2015
4. Pound approximately worth a Rhodesian dollar

Anyone think this is the plan?

Old friend of mine wrote this somewhat tangentially related idea about where we may go next...

I thought that was the idea!
the idea markets and competition are the best arbiter has been busted? all it means is the state picks up the losses and the gains are privatised? which suits the economic oligarchy?

the idea of freedom -light touch regulation- the market is right stuff was busted in The Trap [see ytube] which demonstrated wherever those ideas are used it leads to social disaster and explains why it was the belief in the markets as best and final arbiter that leads to financial meltdown.

so if its the plan then its on the same thinking as the old plan that got us here in the first place?

i think there is no plan other than buying time till the cds expire in 3-5 years and pushing everything till after the election so its 12 months of drift and dither?

this week i have been mostly drinking bull.
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dont print anymore money, its wasting lots of paper and ink. use digital currency better.. for eg: e-gold (very famous and used by lots of scammer because its true liberty tender)
1. Print money
2. Buy linkers with it (make sure it's linkers because...) and thus increasing money supply and inflation
3. Public debt back under control by 2015
4. Pound approximately worth a Rhodesian dollar

Anyone think this is the plan?

Old friend of mine wrote this somewhat tangentially related idea about where we may go next...
Firstly, these games with linkers are very dangerous, as they beget a very nasty 'slippery slope'.

Secondly, they're not the first people to think about inflating away the govt debt. It may be inevitable that the strategy will, in fact, be used by the US, since it's a perfect way to socialize the crisis in the West to creditors like China. The moral of the story is to buy linkers.