Recent content by zow

  1. Z

    Who uses Bloomberg professional?

    Even if you don't have bloomberg, surely you have other systems to give you at least the breaking economic news??! That doesn't sound very professional.... A bloomberg is only marginally more expensive per month than CQG.
  2. Z

    Want to make 29000% in One Year ?

    Oh my God! This IS the holy grail! From £1 to a small jackpot win of £2m within one week, you compound that over the year and you'll own the world and big chunks of the universe before easter! :cheesy: Who needs puny 29,000% returns?
  3. Z

    US SB'ing Firms?Are there any?

    Yes, technically it is illegal for a US resident to open a SB account or to operate your SB account from the US, and there are no US SB firms. They only started in the UK (IG was the first I believe) due to a quirk in the UK betting tax laws. Trading US stocks intra-day would probably best be...
  4. Z

    Trader Recruiting ?? ( FX )

    FXCM had something similar on their website about two years ago, so it is not totally new. Though they have seemed to have re-vamped and better articulated and formulated the program. If you were being totally cynical you could argue it was just a marketing incentive for you to open an account...
  5. Z

    Darren Winters on

    Geez Elliot........ :rolleyes: This is not quite as blatant as your previous attempts to promote your own site, but still....... Reymount IS NOT regulated or authorised by SEC or FSA or anybody. It is NOT open to people in the UK or USA. (wonder why not?) Now you seem to have got rid of your...
  6. Z

    Former Bond Trader seeking work

    Ok, the only really useful bit of advice I can give is this: I too have worked on the fixed income trading desks of a few big-name investment banks (prop trading and market making) but it was a MAJOR culture shock to come out of that environment to trade my own money, even from a 'trading...
  7. Z

    Former Bond Trader seeking work

    Could try CandleStick Trading in Shenfield. But it has to be said: 44 yrs old with 20 yrs city experience and still haven't got two 10k notes to rub together? What have you been doing with all your earnings? Paying too much alimony? :) Never to late to learn....
  8. Z

    Automating your mechanical trading strategy with a broker

    'Tradebolt' is also an option.
  9. Z

    The truth about trading arcades

    Wisestguy..... Are you serious?
  10. Z

    man spread betting?

    As far as I know, Man don't do spread betting.
  11. Z

    Rogue Trader

    .......then there was also the ICA Trading blow up........ Basically be very careful whatever you do!
  12. Z

    Rogue Trader

    Sussex blow up wasn't too bad for the other traders on the Sussex floor..... I believe John Sussex himself made up the short fall in their accounts. Much worse was the Griffin/John Park blow up a couple years earlier.....took years to sort out and the other Griffin account holders only got back...
  13. Z

    Eurex data

    Try Futuresource. Reasonable price, futures only. Can get free trial period with all their historic data i believe......
  14. Z


    Back last december I bought a "Netgear Cable/DSL Wirless Router MR814v2". It can 'hard' connect 4 computers plus the WiFi function Have had no problems and even if you don't use Wifi yet it might be worth getting it now. The main point is I paid $50 for it then in the US (probably even cheaper...
  15. Z

    Deletion of threads!

    Harryp I'll just have to take your word about the fantastic posting - good luck to you with it. If someone accused me on these boards of being pompous and egocentric I'd go back and see what I had written that might just have given them that impression. If I found something then I might change...