Recent content by winod

  1. W


    Not true. you're if any one can make profit with trading it would be an easy market to be after a while financial independent. So trading isn't a gamble game you think so then you can buy an lottery mabe youre chances are higher then.
  2. W


    Not true?
  3. W

    Consistent trading system

    Ferris, I can understand your question! Every trader wants to make as much money as it can gets with the best tradings systems...... Let me tel first of al this...nobody can know what the market will do , not I can, not you and either the best system can. But there is or are systems and...
  4. W

    Risk/Reward & Money Management

    Very good dutch spc, dank u wel!!! You've right about the figures of losing money and winning money in daytrading. Also you have right about IG index related to stock trading....spread is a bit confronting, I can understand that. But for the daily cash, the spread isn't a problem..the movement...
  5. W

    Risk/Reward & Money Management

    Hello spc, You must understand that spreadbetting is related to daytrading...daytrading is to speculate in wich direction the market will go. So that make it possible to trade without contract shares. Make an study of daytrading and search for the better en bigger spreadbetting...
  6. W


    The two of you thanks for you reply. Everyone must have to know that behind every question or message is an moral. What I like too find out with my question is too see if the people amoug us are an honest, a good, emotionally ect. trader. So I will give one moral that I find in my own...
  7. W


    What is the average profit you make of daytrading a month? Because we all trade to earn money, don't we? ciao
  8. W

    First day in the business - It is for me, so how do I get started?

    The secret in trading is not how many page a book is or how difficulter the system, how better. The most simple system or the book with the fewest page can hide a good or best system. So maybe the book of 70 pages is the best investment you ever do in your live , what will lead you to...