Recent content by WhichWayNow

  1. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    It is also a moral duty to identify when posters are decieving by offering unsubstantiated and or false claims in order to dicredit a vendor or individual. It is also moraly wrong for someone to attack a person without declaring any vested interest. There have been a number of unsubstanciated...
  2. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    I am not Mike Baghdady and certainly not acting on his behalf so I therefore ask that you retract that false allegation. I think you will find that the onous will be on the Trolls to justify their action.
  3. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    I am not Mike Baghdady and certainly not acting on his behalf so I therefore ask that you retract that false allegation.
  4. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    Just a heads up to some of you posting on here. Internet Trolls: Websites Will Be Forced To Identify Cyber-Bullies Under Reform Of Libel Laws | UK News | Sky News Websites Will Be Forced To Identify Trolls | LBC BBC News - Websites to be forced to identify trolls under new measures Did you...
  5. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    I am not Baghdady a Tuckey brother or a stooge of theirs and I take offense at those groundless accusations ! Pathetic attempt to discredit. How many times have I asked you to answer the simple question about the money you gave to Baghdady and you have refused. Come on play fair, what are...
  6. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    I have no idea about the effect on recruiting. I based my comment on Company there, forum attacks involving insiders, company gone. I think there were many factors for the fall of TT company errors and wrong doing and a motivated attack with ulterior motive (revenge or rival). Without the...
  7. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    This whole thread is getting no where as is a bit ridiculous. My view is that this thread is very bad and the motives behind many of the postings are wrong. It is not about highlighting mistakes and wrong doing, it is a hate campaign against one person with the aim of brining down a company...
  8. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    To illustrate my point. If I offer to give you a lift somewhere, then someone steals my care, have I stitched you up? Have you tried that email (I assume you can not get an answer on the phone) ?
  9. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    Otto9586 - I would suggest, if you have not already, tryng to email [email protected]. I have had responses back from that recently (OK I have sent the odd anonymous email just to see if anyone is there as I am sure others have).
  10. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    OK I will get flammed for this but as I said before I try to be fair. I certainly do not want to take sides and defintly not backing/supporting Baghdady. But in the interest of fairness people on this thread are on a misson to take down Baghdady, the sales team left and company killed. I think...
  11. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    Or the perfect case to show Baghdady is a fraud or con artist if he took your money and you didnt get what you paid for. Perhaps you are in a hole now because you can not answer without contradicting some of your claims. Lets face it if you got what you paid for or got your money back it does...
  12. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    Now you are finally getting it :D Truth is the most imporant. Claims based on heresay etc are nothing without proof and verfibale evidence. Without verifiable evidence motive plays a very important part. If I wanted to start a new training company or indeed I was a rival company I might be...
  13. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    All I am asking is for verifiable evidence for claims. I appologise if the document was not the Chapter 11 doc previously shown and welcome the fact that you have provided verifiable evidence for one claim. :clap: I really do not understand why you are refusing to answer my simple questions...
  14. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    How do you know it was Bloomberg who pulled the advert ? If you dont then you are twisting things.
  15. W

    Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not?

    To be honest I missed your request, I have come under alot fire and insults etc which has got in the way and cliuded the issue. Its not my place to comment on it. To be honest I think it is really good that there is verifiable evidence to back up the point. I might be wrong but I think it...