Recent content by wafikjabra

  1. W

    Can someone please help me to allocate mt4 Engulfing Bar Indicator?

    Can someone please help me to locate / or to kindly code mt4 engulfing indicator according to these original rules: Engulfing Bar structure: Theengulfing bar as it states in its title isformed when it fully consumes the previous candle. The engulfing bar can engulfmore than 1 previous...
  2. W

    Head & Shoulders Pattern Trading

    Hi rsh01, I have spentmost of today going through lots of pages & videos from the NBT site. It was really useful& as you said, very in depth. I love the forex market & I try to read & learn on PA as much as possible... and I certainly gain a lot from experienced & helpful traders like...
  3. W

    Head & Shoulders Pattern Trading

    Dear rsh01, Thank you very much. You have certainly enlightened on some important facts, also through your high-lighted sites, which include very interesting information. I just want add that although I am using fibo, 123 breakouts, wcci patterns & candle patterns…I am still not holding strong...
  4. W

    Head & Shoulders Pattern Trading

    Hi rsho1, Thanks for your comments. I certainly find fibs & candle patterns are very essential in H&S pattern. No doubt, choosing a good quality pattern is a priority. Another site to look at. I don't however agree with their technique in entering the trade from the head tip but there are few...
  5. W

    Head & Shoulders Pattern Trading

    here is another completely free video on how I trade the Head & Shoulders chart pattern. It's not what you are used to, but it gives me a great risk:reward ratio every time and it works very well. Created by Camtasia Studio 5
  6. W

    Head & Shoulders Pattern Trading

    Hi Nigel, Thank you sooooo much for your kind attachment of this document.
  7. W

    Head & Shoulders Pattern Trading

    Hello to everyone, I have been extremely interested in this particular pattern for a couple of years now. I have read lots of materials (including encyclopaedia of chart patterns and others) but most of them talk about the same basic concept of trading. I have also spent many long hours on...