Recent content by VicS

  1. V


    It would be good if the ECB do cut rates, the market would become more volatile, but it seems that ECB have a strong stance on leaving rates unchanged which will not be a surprise!!!!!
  2. V


    how low is sep05sep06 in euribor going to go!! is it going negative
  3. V

    Jun05 Euribor!!!

    why can i not see a 97k lot clip go through on my trade ticker...the biggest clip was 5k lots to start the buying...are you ****ting me!!!!?????
  4. V

    Jun05 Euribor!!!

    out of curiosity may i ask how u come to know of this!!!
  5. V

    are the bunds going up forever??????????

    are the bunds going uo forever
  6. V

    Futures trading on spreads?

    cheers guys
  7. V

    Futures trading on spreads?

    futures trading on spreads???? Hi I want to find out more detailed information on futures trading on spreads, has anyone got information on this subject. I want to know how it works and how profits are made from the spreads? What strategies people use?
  8. V

    registering with FSA

    cheers guys for info.
  9. V

    registering with FSA

    I have just been offered a job as a trainee trader and now just concerned that in order to register with the FSA if I was in overdraft would this be a problem, it is a student account. I dont have any debts or ccj's. What other criteria are required to be registered with the FSA.
  10. V

    Interview with Trading Connections

    cheers twalker
  11. V

    Interview with Trading Connections

    2nd Interview with trad connections Directors...................................... I have a second interview with trading connections with the directors and just wondering if anyone has any tips on what it will be like??