Recent content by Two Bars

  1. T

    1-2-3-Formations and Ross Hooks

    I have the book called Trading Bar by Bar. It should, however, be called Trading Candle by Candle.
  2. T

    Commentary on The Journey from the Basement

    Thank you for confirming my suspicions.
  3. T

    Commentary on The Journey from the Basement

    I remember now. Your a vendor and you sell a system. How many copies did you have to sell to earn that shed load?
  4. T

    Commentary on The Journey from the Basement

    To temptrader: I apologize if I was too forthright in my post.
  5. T

    Commentary on The Journey from the Basement

    For temptrader: If as you say your previous posts have been very polite and courteous, does this give you the right to be abusive to Socrates or to anyone else? No it does not. You give us your personal opinion. Who cares? Are you qualified to give it? No you are not because you are a newbie...
  6. T

    Commentary on The Journey from the Basement

    We were all newbies at some time. There are those newbies who pay attention, are pleasant and polite and show a willingness to listen and learn. And then there are those who feel they can sit at the back of the class, hurl rubbers, rules and pencils at the teacher and do their utmost to disrupt...
  7. T

    Commentary on The Journey from the Basement

    Thats the funniest post I've read in a long time. The ones who should be banned from the grown ups threads are all the newbies like you, who just dont 'get it'. That would leave all the rest of us, who understand so clearly what is being said and value the knowledge of Socrates, to get on and...
  8. T

    Only on a sunday

    I don't understand why you believe anyone cares what your opinions are about Socrates. Socreates has provided copious amounts of quality information. Most of this is priceless. Every word is there for a purpose, but if you have your duffer coat pulled over your eyes then you cannot see it. Why...
  9. T

    The Journey from the Basement

    I thought that LACK of powers of concentration ~ in other words letting go entirely ~ is one of the requirements we're aiming for. Socrates will correct me if I'm wrong.
  10. T

    The Journey from the Basement

    Hedgehogs The hillock is the market and the hedgehogs are the big boys. They are teaching their youngsters the game - and the game is that you roll the price up and then down (you go down much faster than you go up) and you get an immense sense of enjoyment while doing it. It is a repetitive...
  11. T

    Developing your methods..

    I agree Socrates. It took me ages to figure that one out, but I got there eventually. I do the opposite to what the 95% are doing.
  12. T

    Developing your methods..

    1. Keep an open mind 2. If 95% lose, you dont wanna do what they're doing.
  13. T

    MA Cross

    Well said masao. Your posts are certainly of interest to genuine traders.
  14. T

    Found a virus - how do I delete it?

    In Internet Explorer, go to Tools, Internet Options, General, Temporary Internet Files, Delete Files. That should delete it. If it doesnt then find the file (Start, Search, For files or Folders) and delete it manually.
  15. T

    How much to bet

    If you have to ask the question how much to bet, then you must be having reservations about trading the system.