Recent content by trend

  1. T

    FAO Pigsy and all users

    Observer, can you kindly take your problems else where. CI community is the most supreme community which is second to none. We thank Iraj and David for that.
  2. T

    FAO Cookie

    Where can I find the list of top 10 stocks in each sector in terms of their market Cap? Any sites? cheers. This time next year we all be billionairs.
  3. T


    BWY for me please.
  4. T


    I too, rather cookie to run the competition.
  5. T

    Site Update.

    Totally agree John. I am not currently using any software apart from web-based charts, and it would be a good idea to lias with Iraj before any further expansions. To be fair to Pigsy, he has done a grand job to keep us all together.