Recent content by Trader-Dynamics

  1. Trader-Dynamics

    Improve this skill and you will improve your trading outcome

    I rarely say that one skill can change an entire outcome. Usually, I opt for a balanced mixture of different skills. But with mindfulness, it’s different. If I need to choose one skill to train every day, it would be mindfulness. Mindfulness changes the way you cope with stress, and can improve...
  2. Trader-Dynamics

    Listening to your own cast on the stage

    Successful Strategies to Increase Performance Have you ever experienced that you behaved in another way that you planned? Did you ever realize that you are doing exactly the opposite of what you have intended? Have you ever been in a trade and felt mixed feelings? Did you ever experience...
  3. Trader-Dynamics

    Successful Strategies to Increase Performance

    Ask yourself these two questions at the end of your trading day and your trading will rally. When it comes to improving trading performance, I constantly tell traders to ask themselves the following two questions: 1) How did you perform today / this week / this month? 2) How did your trading...