Recent content by timetotrade simon

  1. T

    Queries re Stops and Intertrader

    You are quite right in that this form of assessing risk is a very blunt instrument. It is generally used because 99% of clients do not trade as you indicate but tend to trade directionally and in unconnected markets. Whilst the likelihood of say the FTSE moving heavily in one direction and the...
  2. T

    Queries re Stops and Intertrader

    If I can help I built LCG many years ago and in those days the CGSL was a bathroom idea. At the time there was considerable bad publicity around clients not having stops and ending up losing huge sums that they could not afford as the brokers used to make margin calls and give clients time to...
  3. T

    So ETX Want To Punish Anyone Who Doesn't Use His A/C At Least Once in 4 Months!

    Actually I happen to agree with you that charging a client whose account becomes inactive is probably a little OTT.. but restricting access to data is probably not unreasonable. I would suggest that such a company should have the ability to allow a client access to his account (so that he/she...
  4. T

    So ETX Want To Punish Anyone Who Doesn't Use His A/C At Least Once in 4 Months!

    All gaming companies have the 6 month break for people who think they might have a gambling problem. I am sure that ETX would remove such a person from the 4 month charge. Or would reimburse such a client if they made such an error. On your first point you have misunderstood my comment. I...
  5. T

    So ETX Want To Punish Anyone Who Doesn't Use His A/C At Least Once in 4 Months!

    I do not know all the answers but I am sure that ETX (and others) have done the maths on this and have concluded that the simple fact of interacting with the client is enough to trigger a regeneration of activity. On top of this the companies have sales teams whose job it is to ring clients...
  6. T

    Need advice for trading crude oil - ETF versus Spread Betting

    As with all things .. you have to actually make the profit first. There is no way around the contago effect otherwise people would buy the front month ..sell a back month and just roll the front month on each expiry. Buying a spread betting rolling bet in Oil is one way of opening the position...
  7. T

    So ETX Want To Punish Anyone Who Doesn't Use His A/C At Least Once in 4 Months!

    Actually the real reason for this is rather more boring. Many exchanges now charge 'per person' who looks at the data. Gone are the days of blanket permissions. If a spread betting company has a client who is just looking at data and not trading then that client is actually costing the company...