Recent content by Thriyve

  1. T

    FAQ How Much Money Does a Trader Need To Start Trading?

    I think the best way to figure this out is to first learn how to trade after you picked what you would like to trade. Once you have developed a trading strategy, and tested it in a demo account, you will be able to reverse engineer the answer. You want to make sure that no individual trade or...
  2. T

    Money Management Help

    Sector Risk does factor in correlation as stocks in a Sector tend to be highly correlated (it is possible to have stocks in different sectors that are also highly correlated). I however do not trade stocks any more, I trade Futures, Futures Options and Forex. My analysis is done using...
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    Money Management Help

    I am not disagreeing with the 2% rule or your max account exposure. I am just trying to point out that some times people may use 2% risk when the trade it self requires more (i am not factoring in reward). So using MM the trader would know they can't afford to take that trade. When I say...
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    Money Management Help

    JBLRM8 Obviously you can't read or you are to ignorant to understand what I was saying. I have been trading successfully most likely before you even knew what trading was. Money management will help you to determine what trades YOU can get into based on YOUR risk. I am not saying it tells you a...
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    Money Management Help

    Your money management can also help you to determine which trades not to get into to. Just because your MM says to risk only $10 that doesn't mean that the trade requires only $10 as risk. The risk on the trade is always determined by the premise of the trade. If the premise of the trade...
  6. T

    If you starting out trading options again - what would you do differently

    For my first option trade I purchased a deep out of the money put near expiry. So I would recommend anyone starting out in options to first do a demo account and understand how options are priced (in theory). Also know that what works in theory may not work in reality.
  7. T

    NADEX anyone?

    I have placed a few trades with Nadex via PFGBest. I can tell you that the odds are always not in your favor. While you can place bids in between the spreads your bids are often filled by the registered market maker. If you consider that the price is directly related to the probability of...
  8. T

    Why is Volatility so low?

    In my opinion volatility and trader expectation are closely related. So if a trader sees that the market moves lets say 100pip on average they would continue to expect it to move around that rate. When you now factor in uncertainty the Traders no long know what to expect. This can have 2...