Recent content by thekaver

  1. T

    complete newbie advice?

    yes itsfiarly ovious that they wont be offering a free seminar unless they are going to try to sell you something at the end! however this doesnt mean some free knowledge cant be picked up so defentely worth attending as long as you relise its going to be a sales enviorment
  2. T

    complete newbie advice?

    thanks for the advice, yes im not looking for any short cuts and dont mind putting some study in and alot of practice, its just they so much out there and im a utter newbie its hard to know were to start
  3. T

    complete newbie advice? there ye go m8! i thought its a free taster so it cant do any harm
  4. T

    complete newbie advice?

    stop ruining my post ye ****** im looking for some serious answers here m8!
  5. T

    complete newbie advice?

    hi guys, im looking to get into trading as it has always intrested me! I was looking for some advice of were to start? ive booked to go onto a free seminar by greg slecker in liverpool next month! and was wondering if they any good material out there i can read? once i got some good knowledge...
  6. T

    starter course!! what one?

    hi im completely new to trading and never done it before, I was wondering if anyone could recogmend a decent course for me? thanks guys