Recent content by TheBuyerAndSeller

  1. T

    1 Point Spread Betting Companies Are The Most Profitable...

    Hoggums, I just realised something in your question, yes, once again, you are absolutely right: "No SB company will allow you to put your 'Stop-Loss' 2 points away." But what I was saying was: "Once you are 3 Points in profit, CS allows you to put your stop in to lock in 1 Point." That's...
  2. T

    1 Point Spread Betting Companies Are The Most Profitable...

    I'm stepping out on a limb here, I have not asked permission to add this link because it just takes up too much of my time but if I get kick off of this forum, so be it but here it is for you to look at: The TenKei Trading Techniques!: Is It That You Like To Read The Word; 'Money'... Now I'm...
  3. T

    1 Point Spread Betting Companies Are The Most Profitable...

    Hi Hoggums, you're also right! It seems everybody is right... ...but what I've found is CS lets me do exactly this on the FTSE and the DAX. I tried it on the EURUSD and other markets but it would not work. Yes, it was like trying to pick up pennies in front of a steam roller. Check out CS...
  4. T

    1 Point Spread Betting Companies Are The Most Profitable...

    Absolutely! But I also lock in that 1 Point when I'm 3 Points in favour, only because in the past when I had seen something like a 3 to 5 Point profit, told myself: "That's Not Enough!" find the market moves against me, never to return... ...and that's when a found myself, beating...
  5. T

    1 Point Spread Betting Companies Are The Most Profitable...

    You're so right Phil, those 10 Point stops can be a bit of a pain at times... ...on the whole, I usually wait until there is movement in the market I'm looking at and the same movement on the markets that tend to twin it. That's what gives me the chance to lock in my one point and that's why I...
  6. T

    1 Point Spread Betting Companies Are The Most Profitable...

    I base mine on the 1 & 3 minute charts and I look at the higher time-frames for overall direction... ...I even use fundamentals such as the buying vs the selling (on the FTSE 100 Index only). This all helps with my decision making. Thanks
  7. T

    1 Point Spread Betting Companies Are The Most Profitable...

    That sounds good waiting until you've reached 50% of your target... ...I also use SMA's too, 3 of them! Yes, as in being a profitable trading strategy, you're right, the only difficult thing about it at times is being 'Disciplined' enough to wait until the set-up is staring me in the face but...
  8. T

    1 Point Spread Betting Companies Are The Most Profitable...

    My rule is that if I have 3 losses in a row, I'll stop for the day but most often I find if I have one loss (of 10 Points), I tend to make it back +10, therefore ending up with my target. Some days I just don't feel up to trading and some days the charts look so messy, some days I just don't...
  9. T

    1 Point Spread Betting Companies Are The Most Profitable...

    I'll then lose 10 to 15 Points x my £ per point... ...those are my stops... ...and yes it does happen but where I would have made 20 to 30 Points on a previous day, giving something back is okay. Plus I've learned to accept my losses, otherwise I wouldn't be in this business. Beforehand, I...
  10. T

    1 Point Spread Betting Companies Are The Most Profitable...

    No, I just lock in 1 Point if and once my trade goes 3 Points in my favour - and I would do this up to a multiple of 10 times if I have to... ...but my main aim is to achieve a set target in Points every day or every trade. My target is 10 points a day/trade. So once I lock in my 1 Point, I...
  11. T

    I Find EURUSD To Be Well Behaved...

    Absolutely! Sales is in my blood and I love trading too! But in my error I did write a few things that were not allowed (and LM put me in my place), so now I'm writing about what I know and feel about the markets. Apart from business, the only other thing I think about is getting my trading...
  12. T

    1 Point Spread Betting Companies Are The Most Profitable...

    Oh yes, I spread bet through Capital Spreads, sorry if I didn't mention that! Thanks
  13. T

    1 Point Spread Betting Companies Are The Most Profitable...

    I work for no one, it's the absolute truth, with a 1 Point spread, I can lock in profits quickly, I just thought folks might be interested to know! When I was trading at £50.00 per point it made sense and it still does. Thanks,
  14. T

    1 Point Spread Betting Companies Are The Most Profitable...

    Capital Spreads (because of the 1 Point Spread) I trade the FTSE and keep my eyes on the DAX and DOW as they tend to do the same thing i.e. make the same moves too.
  15. T

    The Two Time-Frame MA Trading System

    The 1Minute & 3Minute Charts... ...the 3, 6 & 12 MA's... ...and mainly at the FTSE