Recent content by tedjiting

  1. T

    FSA Exam

    hello buddy i saw you got the 500Page sources, i am really interested. could you share it to me? i need the study sources urgently. best wishes
  2. T

    pay attation on Oil price

    thanks a lot. i knew it is cataching a droping knife. i just want to remind others, there was a signal that crude might change skyrocket rise trend. Need to pay attation on it.
  3. T

    pay attation on Oil price

    see the chart
  4. T

    FSA exam sources

    thanks a lot. the website of Bpp is really usefull for me.
  5. T

    pay attation on Oil price

    pay attation on Oil price
  6. T

    FSA exam sources

    hi all, i have to go pass FSA regulation for a job. i am looking for some sources about the Exam, studying material, studing guilds. i believe others experience could help me to save much time. best wishes
  7. T

    Sticky Introduce Yourself

    :twisted:hi i am looking for FSA exam sources around website. found here amd got some useful imformation. i thought i got a right one. i could learn at here.