Recent content by Stickyfingers

  1. S

    OMOLA Levels : New Signals for New Trading !

    I see nothing , only a cruzifix :confused: Stckf.
  2. S

    1-2-3-Formations and Ross Hooks

    Yes , lerning by doing . In the moment I am working in the middle and long timeframe . It takes a long time untill something is finisched. So I just focus my experience out of the 5 Min. TF in the long period frame . Stckf.
  3. S

    1-2-3-Formations and Ross Hooks

    ... well , I realy do´nt study the stop in the far past , and do´nt bother about it .Only in the nearest time cause I wanted to püt my nose off the screen for a couple of hours or days . In the moment I am thinking about it . Is a stop so important ? I rather think , no . I think it is more...
  4. S

    Trading Elements: INTELLECT (Part 1)

    @ J.Ross I do´nt realy understand ... :confused: How can one get along in life without using once brains ? :rolleyes: greetings Stckf. .
  5. S

    1-2-3-Formations and Ross Hooks

    @ commander - keen ... so when you study the time before 1 , you are able to identify the future. That is logical , because the 1 will be in the past after going through 123 , and where you have enterd . I just saw the chart of the above guy . ( # 342 ) . A very nice enter . So good so far ...
  6. S

    1-2-3-Formations and Ross Hooks

    You study the time before the one . In the past charts you can see what unfolds a great 1-2-3 with a long going distance , and which are just bluubs . As Joe is a contrarian trader , the 1 schould be an outstanding and quick fall (downward). If it goes right back again (gimmee bar) then its...
  7. S

    1-2-3-Formations and Ross Hooks

    Schow me , yes ? Stckf.