Recent content by spookygr

  1. S

    day trade 2 swing trade?

    Oh, by the way, I am trying to set up a level II trading system, if anyone has any recommendations on which software to use. thnx
  2. S

    day trade 2 swing trade?

    Oh no, it's ok, i dont mind being humbled, well as long as it doesn't happen to often (can't be good for my self-esteem - he he). As for the books, i have just bought four of them that got good reviews on amazon. I have just started to read the first one today by a "Toni Turner"?. You see, i...
  3. S

    day trade 2 swing trade?

    Ok , well, i guess its back to the drawing board for me, I thought i might have been onto something there. Thanks for the input everyone. Its been helpfull, well humbling at least ; ) thnx again
  4. S

    day trade 2 swing trade?

    Ok, like i said bad things happen, but 99% of the time disasters like enron and kmart are exceptions. Why is a high volume swing a bad idea, surely its the same as a low volume one with more risk. But, if you agree with my previous comment that "it is very rare that you buy a stock at a price...
  5. S

    day trade 2 swing trade?

    Basically, i think, i am talking about using day trading techniques over whatever time period it takes, within reason. It is quite rare that you buy a stock at a price that it never reaches again.
  6. S

    day trade 2 swing trade?

    thanks everyone, Ok, lets say i am talking about trading only well known relatively stable stocks. Dell or Microsoft for example. i know that bad things happen, but these types of companies are fairly safe. I am not talking about a long term investment, i am saying just buying it and then...
  7. S

    day trade 2 swing trade?

    thanks guys, i think i am getting a little closer to understanding, however as a complete layman on the subject a little of what rogue said confused me. I understand that you would be trading against the trend, but this is still within the idea. Trends change daily (as far as i am aware). So...
  8. S

    day trade 2 swing trade?

    Thanks fett, I understand that the money may well be better employed somewhere else, but assuming that you had the capital to continue trading whilst still holding that losing stock then, in theory you would never make a loss, well unless you bought the stock at an unrepeatable market high...
  9. S

    day trade 2 swing trade?

    Ok, right. I am not a day trader but am considering stepping into this hobby/profession. I have a question that i am sure, well, everybody here will be able to answer. Now, i am constantly reading about all these day traders bought stocks at a time they thought was good but turned out not to...