Recent content by Spatulala

  1. S

    Newbie - Help!!

    He bought the shares over 2 years ago (which probably increases the chances of them being worthless?) Guess I need to get a list of the stocks he bought, in which case how do I understand if they have any value? Appreciate I'm probably chasing a no-hoper, but I've got to see if there's anything...
  2. S

    Newbie - Help!!

    Thanks Tenapenny, I guessed as much, it's a real blow for him and a high price to pay. The supposed buyer is an American company called ‘Interstock Transfer Inc’. I'm guessing these guys don't exist?
  3. S

    Newbie - Help!!

    My Dad bought £20k of shares from Bayer, and believed they are now worth $200k. Baxter and Harvey are now asking for £20k to redeem the shares. Someone mentioned on a forum that you may be able to get someone to de-restrict the shares, which may enable at least some of the money to be...