Recent content by Sneaky_T2W

  1. S

    Can the Labour party re-invent Socialism ?

    Is a Corbyn victory really that unrealistic in 2020? I am not so sure, five years is plenty of time for the economy to implode.
  2. S

    Does anyone remember Joel Rensink?

    Except for a quick word on DIBS, which is where this whole thing started. I am sure that trading breakouts of inside bars in a trend is as old as the hills, this is Joels take on it. Why would he share it? Peter goes to great pains to explain the entries, but is vague on the exits. As time...
  3. S

    Does anyone remember Joel Rensink?

    Rant over.
  4. S

    Does anyone remember Joel Rensink?

    I suspect he created the Peter Crowns account to make the DIBS posts to get peoples interest, Peter mentions he learned everything he knows from TRT (Joel) (in fact he has a quote by TRT in his signature). TRT/Joels profile has a link to his blog. This leads poeple to Joel's profile who then...
  5. S

    Does anyone remember Joel Rensink?

    Also from Joel's bog: Hey I offer "workshops" too!
  6. S

    Does anyone remember Joel Rensink?

    From Joels blog Hint hint
  7. S

    Does anyone remember Joel Rensink?

    Well actually I referred to it as a hedge fund, but actually that site says it does "Financial Advisory Services.", could be anything, selling courses and position sizing algorithms for instance.
  8. S

    Does anyone remember Joel Rensink?

    Sorry to bang on, this is reminding me of all sorts of stuff I came across. Many people complained they were not able to replicate Joels results by following his newsletter. He keeps everything low key ("and very little sales copy (<5%)"), but if you read carefully he occasionally mentions he...
  9. S

    Does anyone remember Joel Rensink?

    I love this:
  10. S

    Does anyone remember Joel Rensink?

    I am not familiar with the warrior foundation, but that is Joel's profile on the warrior internet marketing forum. Have you read through the posts? If you are familiar with Joel's postings on Forex Factory, Investors Club and other places it will clear to you. blah blah blah
  11. S

    Does anyone remember Joel Rensink?
  12. S

    Does anyone remember Joel Rensink?

    A bit late for the party I know. Joel is most likely not a very profitable trader. There have been numerous backtests of his various systems, they are not making money, maybe they did at one point, but not in a long time, which is probably why he does not update his blog much. There are...
  13. S

    The end of work

    Haha, I am not sure if you are serious or not, but I have modest amount of precious metals stashed away. Maybe it's time to get some more while prices are low, a bit of diversification when I am heavily long property and the Vanguard LifeStrategy fund. I think what has really come of this...
  14. S

    The end of work

    Or perhaps I should be spending a lot more money on exotic holidays and fancy restaurants. But that's not really my style.
  15. S

    The end of work

    Interesting replies. Personally I very much believe these things I have described will come to pass, and it is likely to lead to major upheavel and widespread social unrest. I would actually like to move away from any urban areas, but my wife isn't having it. If I manage to remain in...