Recent content by simbob

  1. simbob

    Can someon tell where i can find some good trading systems

    You can go at forexpeacearmy. The is a bunch of forex systems with the ratings, reviews and different expert meanings;)
  2. simbob

    I Stopped Using Stops

    And what is this? Looks too good to be truth:cool:
  3. simbob

    Which broker should I use to buy and sell shares?

    I like Sure Trader. I use only demo for now (as my learning is in the process), but I like the conditions from this broker and low fees. So I surely will open little bit later a real account.
  4. simbob

    Bitcoin Going Nuts

    I think that time of the retail miners is gone long time ago:cool:
  5. simbob

    Are they worth it?

    There are so many open sources for all possibly needful information. I'm wondering if someone still wanna pay for thing that are available for free. Just a little searching and sorting is required.
  6. simbob

    Why did you decide to trade forex?

    I was catch by the commercial! Can you believe that?
  7. simbob

    £5000 reward for Scammers Name & Address

    Internet is the place, where the first thing you need to b worry about is safety. You catch one scammer and 10 more will come to take his place. Being careful is what matters. I don't believe in such way of problem solving
  8. simbob

    Is MT4 in WEB?

    Hello, very simple question: is there Metatrader 4 available in web. I can not find MT4 for Mac OS, but want to trade through it. It also would be perfect to trade on a work place. Did you heard about successful installation any trade platforms on Ipad. Thanks in advance.:clover:
  9. simbob

    scalping or not?

    Scalping can be very profitable when you have a good broker. When you go only for a few ticks (pips) mostly broker will switch your account to manual execution which means lot of re quotes.
  10. simbob

    Has anybody used this Manual Trading Strategy

    The same with my. :) Thats why i like ProFx much as it is simple to use and at the same time very effective and profitable. For January i am up 530 Pips. :D Robots are very interesting but as many i prefer manual trading.
  11. simbob

    InTheMoneyStocks Market Analysis

    Re: Can the market rally with a stronger U.S. Dollar? Looking to economic figures the EURUSD exchange rate will be soon or late. 1/2 What could be possible reasons to see stronger USD in the future ?
  12. simbob

    0 Point spread on micros?

    Every broker earn with spread. When a broker offer "0" spread it is nothing else then a magic bean. :thumbsdow
  13. simbob

    what is the best trading strategy

    Which broker do you trade with?I traded news in 2007 but then it stopped working because broker started to fight against news trader.
  14. simbob

    Has anybody used this Manual Trading Strategy

    When the market is in tight range trading is basically more difficult. Good example are the last days. GBPUSD in tight range. I closed last trading week with profits as mostly false signals are filtered out. Anyway, losses also happen and are part from trading. Most important is that ProFx...
  15. simbob

    what is the best trading strategy

    I use Double Woddy CCI for the daily chart and intraday i trade news (requires fast news provider) and Profx from Forexeasystems. As other already said, very important is good money management. Personally i trade with max 0.5% risk per trade and a monthly profit target from 5-6%.