Recent content by Sifugann

  1. Sifugann

    "Modified" ATR Trailing Stop

  2. Sifugann

    Technical Analysis Quotes

    If a trader does very well in one period, and only average in the next. He might feel like he failed. On the other hand, if the trader does very poorly in one period, but average in the next, he'll probably feel like hes doing dramatically better. In either case, the trader is very likely to...
  3. Sifugann

    Technical Analysis Quotes

    "We don't predict the markets, we react to the markets"
  4. Sifugann

    Technical Analysis Quotes

    "Look at your own progress, not someone elses." So why buy signals??
  5. Sifugann

    Technical Analysis Quotes

    As Robert Krausz states, "This work has convinced me that trading is 75% psychological and 25% methodology." :whistling
  6. Sifugann

    Spread Irregularities

    Let's start off with my scenario. I bought COST calls last week. As you know, this was the same period where they announced a $7.00 dividend. I watched prices soar and my profits accumulate. This morning before the market opened, I was looking at the historical records of other equities and...
  7. Sifugann

    Technical Analysis Quotes

    I read pretty much everyday on various forms of technical analysis, and I am also a quote recorder for many of my readings. I'll probably make this thread home for my daily quotes that I've jotted down in my own notes. Writing down these quotes have helped me tremendously, and I would like to...