Recent content by rathcoole_exile

  1. rathcoole_exile

    Am I being thick ???

    No Say you're 2000 in profit When it rolls over you might be artificially up 2640 because of the price difference So they deduct the 640 off to get you net back to 2000 As it says clearly "The value of your position continues to reflect the impact of market movement based on your original...
  2. rathcoole_exile

    Congratulations Sharky !

    or those of us in Thailand, lb ?
  3. rathcoole_exile

    Safest way to trade?

    yes of course it should
  4. rathcoole_exile

    Most popular time to have a MACD indicator BEGIN calculating 30 second ES bars?

    even if there were some small differences, in the grand scheme of things, what possible difference could they make ? If you're scalping off a 30 second TF, I don't believe any indicator, of any setting, of any start time is going to be of any use whatsoever (same applies for any other TF, but...
  5. rathcoole_exile

    Safest way to trade?

    objectively, much easier to manipulate, you're not trading against the broader market, you're basically trading against your broker low barrier to entry means its full of low level, inexperienced wannabes who all think they're trading gods when they pull 20 pips out these same inexperienced...
  6. rathcoole_exile

    Safest way to trade?

    zaysev, the best way is avoid Forex altogether, it's for fools, with very rare exceptions Learn to play with the grown-ups on ZB, 30 year Bonds
  7. rathcoole_exile

    Hi Guys - 25 year Old Brit fed up of losing money here...

    as a Brit with a US broker, I've never needed a Social Security number to open a US account, and I only trade Futures, so there is no tax in the equation. Not sure what you guys are smoking
  8. rathcoole_exile

    Brexit Remain Rage

    all of these whining nancy-boy teenagers and 20-somethings, trendy right-on liberal entitlement-whores, victims of the marxist indoctrination education system, wouldn't have been so happy with the EU to get conscripted into the new EU Army in a few years time (as per Lisbon Treaty), to go off an...
  9. rathcoole_exile

    Is my system too simple?

    TC, the ones you highlighted were all against the prevailing short-term trend. I assume (?) that he looks only for PINS confirming a continuation of the trend, in this case, upward spiking red Pins
  10. rathcoole_exile

    Is my system too simple?

    it's hard to know what went on before, but it looks like there was a previous uptrend, so the first PIN marked a Lower High, an end to the uptrend. So for simple, why not just trade the breakdown from there at 54.56 and sit pretty all morning with just one trade i know it's easy to be wise...
  11. rathcoole_exile

    E-mini Nasdaq Pivots Scalping - 100% in 100 Days?

    Hi, may I make a polite suggestion ? Why not look at Order Flow as a confirmation for your trades. I have a feeling it will mean you miss some winners, but will miss more losers, and might enhance your edge. Take a look at the Jigsaw Order Flow tool developed by Dionysis Toast (Pete Davies) His...
  12. rathcoole_exile

    Quit losing money

    long term I just buy BRK.A and BRK.B shares, (although .A are so expensive and almost out of reach now) and just let Mr Buffet take care of my long-term investing for me .....
  13. rathcoole_exile

    Quit losing money

    Johnson and Johnson - you don't think the cancer scare caused by the talc powder scandal will have any long-lasting impact ? Coke - eventually, maybe 5, maybe 10 years, the sheeple are going to wake up to the reality of the damage that that toxic brew does to them I wouldn't put a penny...
  14. rathcoole_exile

    Quit losing money

    why let it get to you ? It's got nothing to do with you, so why worry ? so in the 90s you would have been heavily invested in Kodak ? That must have worked out well for you
  15. rathcoole_exile

    What kind of car do you guys drive?

    is it really that long since we've had a beer together. you're so busy running your business empire now, no time for the little (!!) people ? 55