Recent content by PriceActionDayTrader

  1. P

    Have I entered the elite 5 percent?

    aparoid89, that is some amazing news.. profit is being profitable.. don't let anyone tell you different.. Very awesome to finally here some inspiring stories such as yours..
  2. P

    Free Stock Market Software - Open Source

    Hey, thanks for the good source of free info.. Much appreciated! :cool::clap:
  3. P

    FAQ How Much Money Does a Trader Need To Start Trading?

    I've always assumed a good 25K US would be sufficient. Also, I'm sure it depends on the market one is trading.. So far most account with 25K, you're able to have access to Margin as well.
  4. P

    Bob Volman Price Action Scalping

    Not too familiar with Bob Volman.. We'll have to look it up. Spent a considerable time learning Al Brooks.. Sooo complicated. Thanks for the recommendation :thumbsup:
  5. P

    Lance Beggs - Your Trading Coach?

    Ok, so read Al brooks Price Action Books. After alot of frustration, I got a few recommendations about Your Trading Coach by Lance Beggs. Anyone familiar with this guy? So far the read seems pretty decent.