Recent content by Nancy123

  1. N

    The Market Matrix

    Mr. Ned Kelly, Today, I received a go long signal. Therefore, I'm out of TZA and in TNA. TZA loss was 9%. Kind regards, Nancy123
  2. N

    The Market Matrix

    Mr. Ned Kelly, Indeed, I have added to my position and will remain until I receive a sell signal later this week or early next at the earliest. Kind regards, Nancy
  3. N

    The Market Matrix

    Mr. Ned Kelly, I received a sell signal today. Thus, I sold TNA and bought TZA. Tentative near future trades will be the puchase of GLL, TBT and UUP once signals are rendered. Good luck, Nancy123
  4. N

    The Market Matrix

    Hi Andy, Yes, MC5 is SLTD. You are quite welcome. Kind regards, Nancy123
  5. N

    The Market Matrix

    Hi Andy, You are welcome. I agree with your observations with but one exception. Namely, that I believe LTD is equal to MC4 and not MC3. Of course, again, you may be right. Kind regards, Nancy123
  6. N

    The Market Matrix

    Hi Andy, I have Oct 4 as MC1-2, Oct 12 as MC1-3, Oct 13 as MC1-4 and therefore, we are presently on our way up to MC1-5 for the SPX. Regarding the DP equivalents (i.e.IDT2, etc.) you may be correct; however, I personally only follow one and that's the LTD for the DJIA. Kind regards...
  7. N

    The Market Matrix

    Mr. Ned Kelly, I have the SPX bottoming tomorrow, rallying into the first of next week and then a larger decline will follow to retest the low of Oct 4th. I believe the SPX 1075 will hold and then I'm expecting a larger rally that will last 6-8 weeks. King regards, Nancy123
  8. N

    The Market Matrix

    Hi Ned Kelly, The MM "average time points" have been calculated/provided by Mr. Copan and thus, I feel obligated not to devulge them; however, I can and will my provide you with current position (Long TNA). Furthermore, if you are interested, when I my work generates future signals...
  9. N

    The Market Matrix

    Hi All, Based on my knowledge of Delta Phenomenon (DP) and the Market Matrix (MM) and having read all of the 60 plus pages of this thread, I have found some of the thoughts expressed here quite varying to say the least. Thus, I thought I’d simply add my two cents worth. Sorry, but please be...